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ANUJSS = Australian National University
Jewish Students Society

ANUJSS and the Nulla Nullas

The Nulla Nullas was a children's Club run at Wallaga Lake Aboriginal Reserve, south coast of NSW, during 1964-1966
Long Term Effects of the Nulla Nulla Club
Close-up of young StephenKelly-LorraineKelly-in-ute
Lorraine and Stephen Kelly en route to the picnic that launched the Nulla Nulla Club
Masters Graduation Photo
After ceremony for Graduation (Masters) in Sydney for Stephen Kelly
Stephen stands between his sister Lorraine and her husband Eric Naylor
The Team at Katungal Medical Service, Narooma, 2015 Stephen Kelly is back right.

The Umbarra Cultural Centre at Wallaga Lake today
A 2008 photo of one the 16 sewing machines ANUJSS collected by donation in Canberra in December 1965 and brought to Wallaga Lake to form the starting point for arts and craft in the future Umbarra Cultural Centre.
Lorraine Naylor | Harvey Cohen | Stephen Kelly
At Umbarra Cultural Centre 2008