The Story of the Shanghai Ghetto during World War II

From 1937 to 1941, thousands of Jews came to Shanghai fleeing from Nazi persecution. Japanese occupation authorities regarded them as "stateless refugees" and set up this designated area to restrict their residence and business. The designated area was bordered on the west by Gongping Road, on the east by Tongbei Road, on the south by Hulming Road, and on the north by Zhoujazui Road.
Honghou District People's Government.

Shanghai as a Refuge
Approximately 20,000 Jews made their way to Shanghai in the years 1937 to 1941.
One of the the most amazing Holocaust escape stories is how the entire class of the Mir Yeshiva, some 400 in number, all gained Sugihara visas, came to Shanghai, and continued their studies in the Beth Aharon Synagogue in Shanghai.
A good short history of the Jewish experience in Shanghai is at

Also recommended is the recent book:

giving an account of "Jewish Journeys from Shanghai to Australia."