Welcome to  
History Revisited and Reappraised

the podcast and resource site for Morry and Gabby's weekly discussion of
The World and Us

What is really going on in the Jewish World and the Middle East bypassing the spin of an often bigotted anti-Israel media. Just what is the actual history of the establishment of Israel based on confirmable facts. Learn how to escape from the blinkers imposed by popular simplistic narratives, where the hidden information can be found, and how to learn what is being broadcast in Arabic.

In 2011 The Lion broadcast  96.1 FM   and simulataneously on the web
In 2012 The Lion broadcasts on 1674 AM and simultaneously on the web

The World and Us was broadcast at 6 pm every Thursday
The World and Us was re-broadcast at 10 am each Sunday
Note time is EST, Australia.

Data, sources, links, sources for the history of the Middle East Plus Lion FM studio interviews with visitors providing Mebourne with real experience of the Jewish World.

Click on 1905 flag for JewishHistoryAustralia.net
Presenters email

Lion rampant on Star of David
Episodes 50-41 Episodes 40-31 Episodes 30-21 | Episodes 20-11 | Episodes 10-1

Comments and questions email morryngabATgmailDOTcom


Approx 50 of our programs are available by podcast at: http://theroar.info/.
These include:
  • A number of programs dealing with the early (20th century) events leading up to the establishment of the State of Israel, ep3, ep9, ep13, ep14
  • A program, ep5 dedicated to The Forgotten Refugees - ie the Jews expelled from Arab lands,
  • An examination of the Legal Basis for Israel in ep38
And numerous interviews, including interviews with:
  • Prof. Alex Bligh who was the Chair of the Department of Israel and Middle Eastern Politics & Director of the Israel National Strategic Assessment Center at The College of Judea and Samaria (Ariel), in ep6, ep7.
  • Gal Lusky -an experienced volunteer rescue worker and humanitarian relief provider, who founded IFA = Israel Flying Aid in 2005 in order to meet the needs of people suffering in disaster areas around the world, irrespective of ethnicity. In order to present the true humanitarian face of Israel, she often works under cover in dangerous areas where the governments are hostile to Israel. Israel Flying Aid which is a non-profit, volunteer-based, non-governmental organization (NGO) that aims to provide humanitarian life saving aid and relief to communities in areas stricken by natural disaster or territorial conflicts. See ep12 and ep23.
  • Prof. Dovid Katz Academic and Yiddish scholar who has taught extensively internationally, including at Oxford and Vilnius University. Our interview focuses on Dovid's work in Lithuania and the outrageous Prague Declaration equating Nazi and Soviet crimes, and the prosecution of elderly Holocaust survivors for treason because they fought against the Nazis. See ep32 and ep33.
  • Dr. Stephen Smith - a Christian Theologian who co-founded the UK Holocaust Centre and the Aegis Trust See ep31
  • Michelle Rojas-Tal of Stand With Us which is fighting to spread the truth about Israel on US and international campuses. see ep22
  • David Olesker - an international expert on the use of language in Israel advocacy, on ep11 and ep10.
  • Tamar Yonah - who writes regularly for ArutzSheva and has a show several times weekly on Israel National News in ep51
  • Yaakov Katz who is the military correspondent and defense analyst for The Jerusalem Post and is the Israel correspondent for Jane’s Defence Weekly, the international military magazine. ep53
  • Joe Roth of Keren Malki Foundation - founded in 2001 as a living memorial to a 15 yo Australian girl who dedicated herself to caring for people with disabilities and was murdered in the Sbarro bombing. The foundation provides assistance in Israel to families of disabled children, irrespective of ethnicity. See ep4.
  • Philippe Karsenty who revealed to France and to the world that the death of Muhammad al-Durrah was staged and basically a hoax. See ep49

The Maabarot

Many of the 975,000 Jews expelled from Middle Eastern and North African countries who came to Israel were placed in tent cities called maabarot. Some families lived as long as twenty years in maabarot before moving to regular housing. Here are some scenes of maabarot life in Israel in the early years of the reformed state.

1950 Using tent ropes for hanging clothes.

1952 Carrying water home to a tent

A "model" maabarot before Jewish refugees arrived.

Children at play
Future Israel prime minister, Moshe Kastov, born in Iran, fled to Israel where he grew up in a maabarot near Ashod; his two-month-old brother Zion was drowned when this maabarot was inundated by a rapidly rising flood.

Some families lived as long as twenty years in maabarot before moving to regular housing.

Arab Refugee "Camps"
refugee Camp  Ein Beit el Ma  atNablus
The concrete buildings of the Ein Beit el Ma refugee "camp" at Nablus.
refugee Camp at Jenin
Construction at the refugee "camp"
at Jenin.

Ramallah a recent image.
Episodes 50-41 Episodes 40-31 Episodes 30-21 | Episodes 20-11 | Episodes 10-1

Comments and questions email morryngabATgmailDOTcom
Index to the Episodes
 1  Introductory program
 2  Discussion about narratives, media bias, and major Israeli technological contributions that are ignored
 3  Beginning the History series – genetics, history, and the Arab/Israeli conflict, based in primary documents
 4  Interview with Joe Roth of Keren Malki Foundation
 5  The Plight of Sfaradi Jews including interview with Ron Raab 
 6  Interview with Prof Alexander Bligh (pt 1)
 7  Interview with Prof Alexander Bligh and Esti Bligh (pt 2)
 8  (doesn’t exist … numbering error)
 9  Discussion current events including stuxnet virus, Ladino music, and continuation of History series (1920s)
10  Interview with  David Olesker (pt1)                    
11  Interview with  David Olesker (pt2)
12  Interview with Gal Lusky - Israel Flying Aid (IFA)
13  Discussion of current events, media and more History series (1920s)
14  Discussion of amazing recent Israeli innovations, NYP column by “the Observer” (1947), History series
15  Interview JNF    Joe Kryzer Prt 1     (Haifa fires)
16  Interview JNF    Joe Kryzer Prt 2     (Haifa fires)
17  Summing up current affairs (last program of year)
18  Discussion of current events
19  Interview: Nachmi Feinblatt (dog antiterrorist squad)
20  Discussing current events, “Israeli apartheid”, BDS, passports, Israeli innovation, saving turtles
21  Current event discussion, Israeli innovation series,  with pre-Eurovision music
22  Interview with  Michelle Rojas-tal – Stand With US
23  Interview with Gal Lusky - Israel Flying Aid (IFA) (Interview from Program 12 Repeated)
24  Discussion apartheid, History series dealing with land ownership
25  Tzvi Sivins
26  In depth discussion about “Israeli apartheid”
27  Discussion with Tzvi Sivins, Holocaust, History series.
28  Discussion Osama Bin Laden, mideast politics, History series (Al Husseinis)
29  On Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut
30  Gaby back from holidays, Discussing delegitimization of Israel, music: Israel on Eurovision
31  Phone Interview Dr Stephen Smith
32  Interview DovidKatz  (pt 1)
33  Interview DovidKatz  (pt 2)
34  Discussion about current affairs and Israeli achievements that don’t make our media
35  Discussion of boycott resolution, Palestinian positions, flotilla
36  Interview Father Patrick Desbois … finding Jewish mass graves in Eastern Europe
37  Discussion on genocide and refugees, more inventions from Israel
38  Current affairs general discussion
39  Discussion about media balance, and what’s happening in the world including Melbourne
40  Discussion new inventions, murder of Christian tourist, Israel helps 3rd world
41  Discussion Gilad Shalit, and peace
42  Discussion on peace agreements and the ramifications
43  current affair discussion
45  Discussion of the beginnings of Israel, Israel-Obama relationship
46  Art made from kassams, Israeli agricultural initiative, perceptions
47  Discussion  on disproportionate reporting on Israel, and “The Promise”
48  Double standards, lawfare, and hacking.
49  Interview with Phillipe Karsenty
50  Discussion of issues “then and now”.
51  Interview (phone) Tamar Yona, Israeli talkback host.
52  Discussion Attack in France, Israeli muppets, Israeli inventors ans other current issues
53  Interview with Yaakov Katz, Jerusalem Post columnist 

The Data

Religions in Israel Excludes "seam region"
Jews75.5% exceeded 87% 1950-60
Arab Christians2.1%
Druze1.7%  Serve in Israeli Army (IDF)
Others3.9% Mostly those not affiliated
 with any religion
  Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2009, CBS.
 "Table 2.2 - Population, by religion"

The populations of Jews in M.E.
circa 1948 and 2004
Country in
Middle East
 Number of
in 1948
       Number of
Jews in 2004
Algeria140,000Less than 100
Egypt75,000Less than 100
Iran 100,00011,000
Iraq 150,000Approx. 35
Lebanon20,000Less than 100
Syria30,000Less than 100
TOTAL978,000Less than 18,635
Web Source for population data is here