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Jewish Students Society

ANUJSS and the Nulla Nullas

The Nulla Nullas was a children's Club run at Wallaga Lake Aboriginal Reserve, south coast of NSW, during 1964-1966
There is a "sense of shared experiences between the Jewish community and Aborigines, epitomised by the pioneering legal work of the late Ron Castan QC and Jewish involvement in the key High Court land-rights cases of Mabo and Wik."
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Wallaga revisited in January 2008. Harvey Cohen (centre) with two of the Nulla Nullas of 1965 who travelled to Canberra: Lorraine (Kelly) Maylor and Stephen Kelly, MSc, then a health counsellor with the South Coast Aboriginal Medical Service.
Yuin Today 3
Contact was maintained until his death with Nulla Nulla member Stephen Kelly. In this image he is shown with sister Lorraine (Kelly) Naylor - another Nulla Nulla member, and her husband Eric. A discusion of the long term impact on Wallaga of the Nulla Nulla club is here.
Z Jews and Aboriginals
Jews and Aboriginals share a common experience of dispossession and disempowerment in their own land. Hence the support that Jews and Jewish groups have offered to the Aboriginal community. An overall discussion may be found by clicking here.
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